Friday, 15 February 2008

Take a day off

Take a day off

Been working hard? It’s easy to lose sight of where you want to be, and get caught up in the moment.

I’ve got “Zero Limits” by Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len in the car and as i was listening one of the contributors reminded me to reflect:

Take a sheet of paper and write two headings, one on the left and one on the right of the paper.

The first heading is “what am I doing to BLOCK the success I want in my life right now?” and the second is “what do I need to do about these blocks?”

I want big success – in every area (relationships, material, physical, spiritual, contribution). What’s blocking it?

The answer, even as I was driving, came back clear and strong – ‘you’re working too hard’. Working too hard, surely I have to work hard to achieve great success, whether that’s working on my fitness, my relationships or my earning power?

Well, work the process, write it down, see if there’s anything else (there wasn’t) and fill in column 2 “what do I need to do?”. Again an almost immediate answer “take a day off”. Now I have academic qualifications as long as my arm (and no, I don’t have the arms of a chimpanzee) but I have been studying intuition lately, and one of the things that teaches is to take action quickly. So I’ve booked today off and I’m just goofing around catching up with a few things, and I feel better already and we’re only half-way through.

Perhaps this afternoon ideas for increasing wealth will pop into my now uncluttered mind?

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